Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's in a name.....

I've decided to name my house.  It will also serve as a 'business' name if I ever get ambitious enough to create some fiber related items to sell.  It would also be the name of my rabbitry.......such as it is.

I wanted something charming, but not too townhouse is tiny, so something diminutive would serve......I mulled over a few names, but today I think it came to me.  Wren Cottage.

For someone reading this but not living in this area, we had a lot of snow overnight.  One of my first tasks was to go out and fill the bird feeder on my deck.  All sorts of birds visited today - the usual Doves and Sparrows, some loudmouth young Grackles, Red and Purple Finches, Titmice, Chickadees, a female Cardinal, Juncos, then late in the day, a little brown Wren.   The others were certainly flashier, but there was something appealing about that little bird with her jaunty tail (I like to think it was a her).  It perched on a flower pot and stayed a long time after eating. I tried to get a photo, but it flew away.

I've been searching the net for images of wrens.  I would like to use one as a model to  paint a sign for the front of my house - and I also want to do a small version of one of those great 'barn quilts' for the back deck of my 'farm.'

I think giving my house a name will give it more personality than just a house, and names need not be reserved for just rural property.